Sunday, January 23, 2005

Buh-bye Curls!


I gave "Curls" to a friend of mine this week. It's the first piece of my work that finds a home away from mommy.
One day... I'll be selling my work. I hope I can get to see that day!!!


Maria Sanchez said...

You absolutely will... have you considered trying to sell on Ebay? Try it on a couple of pieces you can part with ... as an artist it is hard to let go. Your painting are your babies, you give them life, they are birthed from within.

BEGT said...

Maria!!! That's how I feel... it is really hard to let go!!!! Even if I don't like the paintings!

Maria Sanchez said...

The more you let them go... the more you want to create and it becomes a cycle of learning and exploration into your talents and creativity. You already have that creative gift. You simply need to give it wings.