Monday, September 24, 2007

In April's memory

Today we let white balloons go up to her. We let them get lost in between the clouds and the last of the sunshine and get to our friend, like last year. We gathered in front of the fountain that once heard out laughs and jokes. Friends, brothers and sisters, we stood together and were silent for a moment, and remembered our friend. April lefts us too early, but she didn't leave us alone. She left a group of people that come together from so many walks of life. Today, as the balloons went past the student union facade and went from white to a soft orange from the sun rays that touched them as they rose, we stood together and looked up. We, the group of friends. My group of friends. We came together and lived so much. We cried through the loss of April, and we smiled at the hope to see her again. Through the years the hugs grew tighter and the love grew founder.
April might have left too early, but she brought our group closer. Much closer. It was so good to see my friends. To hug them and remember broken promises of cooking. I loved to see Justin, and John, and Mary, Kasey, Tina, Jose, Roshunna... and all others that came today.
There were many missing, as so many have left town in look for their next degree, or for a job, a better future... I didn't see Shonda, Rosalba, Andy, Gigi, LaTrice... but they were present, because we were present, just like when we're together is as if April is still part of us.
That's what the UA is for me. The place where I found home again. And I found friends again. And where my soul began to heal.

Goodnight. Until the next smile...

1 comment:

Rosh said...

Aw Bert!
This entry makes me smile/cry @ the same time! Yea, things are not the same...