So I have photos to post, and stories to tell, and things to do and all. But just now, I'm relaxing. Trying to see how I can change the world without losing myself. So I came here again today to look for something I wrote long ago and looking for that I found something else, and I read two, three posts and then I felt good. Someday someone will come here and read what I wrote and smile, like I just smiled. So I'm writing. I'm writing to make someone smile, someone I don't know or someone I love. I want to make you smile.. wherever you are.
And I want to smile too.
And I have this great song playing while I write this... "no te compliques mas, siempre hay una razon. Tratar de revivir, tratar de estar mejor"
I leave you with this picture:
Looks like a happy moment : )
And yes, you do make me smile : )
Un fuerte y caluroso abrazo...
you always make me smile.... even when we don's agree in something..
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