Sunday, February 27, 2005
My first oil painting!
I made it for a friend, I think he'll like it.
I love it! I'm really excited and now I just want to keep going. I'd be at the studio at this very moment, but I have to study for my WCIV exam tomorrow and for my ECON class.
That's it for now. I'll post a picture of it soon. It has to dry first.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Matters of the heart
I just read a column by Dave Barry and I thought it was hilarious! That's where I took that line from. If you want to read the entire column just click here.
I wrote a couple of poems yesterday, and I found two of my poems inside one of my books... that happens often, I forget where I leave my things... but that shouldn't happen with poetry or art. I guess that's just me. And life... that's life!
I have to study. My Art History class got cancelled, so I have to study for my other classes.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
I found my planner...
Last night I went to see "Hitch" and I liked it. It was fun!
Now I'm tired. I've been studying a lot 'cause I have test in 2 classes tomorrow. I still need to keep studying, but I thought I'd take a break.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
And my phone went gaga, got funky-fied, buh bye, ciao, went completely bananas... I'm getting a new one thanks to the warranty exchange thing.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Monday, February 14, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
I think I'm typing with my eyes closed
Random thought: why is it so hard to keep a secret?
I'm working on a painting for a friend. He doesn't know. Actually, I'm the only one that knows :) and I don't want to tell him because I might not finish it soon. I started it last night after I finished my assignment. Something inside me is tickling me to go and say "I'm painting something for you and you'll LOVE it". But what if he doesn't love it? or what if I like it so much that at the end I decide to keep it?
I'll do my best to keep quiet.
Anyway... after all this randomness, I have to get to work.
Keep dreaming, all you dreamers out there. I'll do the same :)
Thursday, February 10, 2005
I'm so freakin' tired

our morning coffee
Originally uploaded by imtrendywendy.
I had a test this morning. Art History II. It was horrible. I'm exhausted. I studied a lot for that test, I stayed up till really late last night.
And as always... coffee saved me this morning.
I was trying to concentrate last night, but it was late. So I put some music to help me stay awake, and I ran into this really cool "rola" that kinda goes with me.
First time I heard it... and it was one of my CDs. The name is "modern dance". Here's a link so you'll know what the lyrics say. This is what I like the most:
Maybe I should go and live in Amsterdam
in a side street near a big canal
spend my evenings in the Van Gogh Museum
what a dream, Van Gogh Museum...
And maybe you and I could fall in love
regain the spirit that we once had
you'd let me hold you and touch the night
that shines so bright, so bright with fright
NOW, on a different note: Valentine's is sooo overrated.
For a good cause
Monday, February 07, 2005
Flowers for a gray day

flowers for a gray day
Originally uploaded by mcartist11.
These past few days have been a little gray. I like them.
My dad hasn't written to me in a while, I don't know what's up. I've been very busy with school and work, so I hadn't had much time for myself... except for last Saturday evening, when I went to the painting studio to work on my assignment for Tuesday. I was the only one in the studio so I put some nice music and it was soooo good.
I was working on something for school, but it was goooooood! I relaxed and ruin one of my fave shirts (got some paint on it). After that I decided to stop by Barnes & Noble and bought two books. One of them is "The Massacre at El Mozote" by Mark Danner.
Very interesting.
I love to go to Barnes & Noble... alone. I spend time looking at art books or travel books. I also enjoy looking at book covers and sometimes I read a little. I don't think anyone knows about my little B&N thing. :)
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Fayetteville Sunset

Fayetteville Sunset 2
Originally uploaded by aquarelita.
I love sunsets. I took this picture a while ago, I was standing outside Barnes & Noble and it was just beautiful.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
That's Life

thats life
Originally uploaded by aquarelita.
This was published on the Washington Post on January 21, 2005.