Of how a candle saved my day
Today at work, there was a weird smell in the air. No, it wasn’t love or xmas!
I don’t know what it was, really. So I looked in my desk and saw my little citrus candle that’s been here forever and I lit it up. Besides it looked really neat, it got rid of the weird smell!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Deleting old emails... finding funny stuff.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

So... I've been getting all the pictures of the artworks that I've studied in Art History this past five weeks or so, so I can make the cards to study for my final in that class... of course, I'm using google to find the artworks... and in my search, I ran into this cool image at www.jampwork.com and I thought it was AWESOME... now I want those!!! (the bracelet, the little print, and the 10 cents! -yeah... I'm broke!)
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Earlier today, I was thinking about some pretty cool things to write... but I didn't write them down, so I forgot what they were. MAN... I hate it when that happens! All I can remember is that it was a cool piece of thought with a little bit of poetry potential! Anyway, I'll see if I remember later (and then I'll write it down!).
On a different note: I watched The Notebook yesterday. I'm not impressed (yes... that's for you CM), but there was a line in one of the dialogues that I loved:
"I have all these thoughts bouncing around in my head; but with a brush in my hand... the world just gets kind of quiet"
I love the smell of rain... when it storms, I walk to the nearest window and close my eyes. I did that one of these days (I think it was last Thursday).
Oh... and on Thursday, I was having a wonderful day! After my ARHS class I went to the coffee shop and one of my friends gave me an Iced Mocha (I have to pause right here and say that Iced Mochas are a blessing from above - at least for me!) and then I went to the FNL office, where three of my friends were talking about super volcanoes exploding, and earthquakes destroying NWA, and tornado warnings for that night (it was crazy!). So I said... "Man! My day was FINE and now you tell me we're all gonna die?!"... They were cracking up!
Oh... and I just got a links page. Not very fancy, but it's free in www.geocities.yahoo.com and I'm getting familiar with the html code thingy! :)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I need a links-only page!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Volunteer Spirit Award 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Word of the day: Appreciation
Pronunciation: &-"prE-shE-'A-sh&n, -"pri- also -"prE-sE-
Function: noun
1 a: judgment, evaluation; especially: a favorable critical estimate. b: sensitive awareness; especially : recognition of aesthetic values. c: an expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude.
2 : increase in value.
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino
Saturday, April 16, 2005
SDOC 2005
I woke up really early today and went to the Volunteer Rally then I went to my project with the other volunteers. :) We cleaned the outside area of the Head Start and then organized the books of the children's library... like a trillion books!!! It was great!!!
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
- Gandhi
Monday, April 11, 2005
Viendo llover

I love rainy days.
There is something so peaceful about the few moments before the storm comes, that it doesn't matter how hard it storms... those moments tell you that everything is fine.
It's been raining for the last couple of days and I've found myself enjoying little moments... just because.
Yesterday, I was on my way to the library, but the day was so gray and this refreshing breeze was blowing... that I couldn't help, but to sit down outside the library for like an hour just to enjoy that time. I called my friend Pau while I was there and we talked for a while. Then later that night, I was walking to my car and it was raining... I was wearing flip-flops (I didn't know it'll rain, so I didn't even have an umbrella!) and I felt the water running through my toes, and then I felt the drops of water on my arms... and I remembered... how I used to go out in the rain when I was a kid!
And man! Don't get me started on the smell of the rain... and the sound... it amazes me that something so wonderful can be so destructive for many. I prayed that the rain was a blessing for everyone, like it was for me. I prayed that no one could be harm by it.
It was wonderful... even thought the ride back home was difficult.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
5 min from a sugar rush
I'm even thinking I need to hit the kitchen and learn how to make it... one of my best friend's mom made the one I just finished. It was REALLY good. I made me smile big :)
Anyway, I need to get some work done, but before hitting the books, I need to write a couple of emails :)
Monday, April 04, 2005
Dialogue of two Art majors...
B: Hey, you.
M: What's up?! (stapling a paper)
B: I have a test in...
M: I have a speech.
B: ... three minutes
M: I don't know what I'm gonna...
B: Ask me if I'm ready?
M: ... talk about.
B: I'm not ready!
M: Why don't we ever...
B: We're dead.
M: ... get anything done?
B: Gotta go take the test.
M: See ya.
This is based on a true story.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
How can you...
I'm working on the essay for the Volunteer Spirit Award application. As I type away my thouhgts, I feel like I shouldn't turn in the application. Because by turning it in, I'm contradicting myself. I don't really need recognition... not that I'll get the award... I don't think I will, there are so many people on campus that do so much more than I do. I don't know how they do it... but man! God bless them. I do what I can in the little time I have in between work and classes...
Anyway... I need to finish this and then study for my test on WCIV tomorrow.