I've been in the fine arts library this afternoon, I came in right after finishing my project 1 for typography class. I've been studying and printing class materials and things like that. At 7 pm I took a break from studying and went to my APO meeting and when I was walking back form it I saw beauty all around me. I saw a glorious sunset and a rainbow. I'd never seen a rainbow so late into the eveninig, so I tried to take a picture of it, but it didn't come out too good. So I guess you'll just have to believe me it was there. I also took some pics of the student union, because it look gorgeous with the orange glow of the last few sun rays as a background. Sometimes it's all about looking. Some people would call the studying, attending regular meetings, small talk, and the walks a routine. But I believe there's no such thing. There's no day like another day, not a moment is the same as one lived before. Adding the spice to life can be in little things like stopping for a colorful sunset, or taking the time to call a friend to say hello. It's about what you do with your moments.
It has been a crazy week. Today was the Real World 2006. It was good. A bunch of students came. Just 3 years ago I was a participant, one of the only two freshmen there. Since then, the program has just gotten better. Life has just gotten better. I've been a leader for the program for the past 2 years. One of the pictures from 2004 was in the welcome board.
That's what I'd like to know. They're not only expensive, they're slow. I have to have them by the end of the week, the latest.
Classes, so far, are looking good. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be crazy thanks to my 20 minute overlapping in two of my classes. I'll just have to get used to it, I guess.
I my LAST YEAR in college tomorrow. Ask me how I feel... ok, I'll tell you: FREAKIN AMAZING!!!
I can hardly believe it's happening. It's been so real, so far. I never thought that all that has happened would EVER happen to me. I'm ready. God, thank You. This year will be amazing, I know it. I can feel it.
Now, I have to start it right... let me find the schedule where it says what room is my first class in......
I am thankful for all the blessings I've received this week! HA! I'm trying to stay positive... let me highlight the beauty of this week before I get into the whole I'm-tired-and-not-looking-forward-to-classes deal.
I got a B on my business class, and I won't get into details because I have the feeling I already talked about this here. I have been organizing my room, or trying, and now it feels good enough that I can take on painting again. I've been having great ideas for paintings or drawings lately. I've collected many sticky notes, receipts, and random notes where I've sketched the various ideas. I've taken a couple of photos for inspiration, also, specially photos of the skies and the clouds... they've look gorgeous lately!
I have been reading, there's this book that want to finish soon, it's called "Love in Idleness" by Amanda Craig, and I want to end it soon... hopefully by this weekend so I will be free to start another one as the academic year starts too, on Monday. I've already met with friends that had gone home for the summer. It's awesome to see them again, but also it's exciting and a little refreshing to start working on new projects and activities. Diversity Alliance will have an amazing year... and I'm not saying that because I'm the president, I say that because the group is just great! We met on Wednesday and it went very well.
Today, I went and took down the paintings that were on exhibit and sold one! I sold "Vida" it was a very personal painting... So I have to make sure that I'm also passing on the story behind the painting, for those that will see it after I'm gone from the U of A.
I'm excited about this year... my last year! I got the letter about the University of Arkansas ring, I'll get it, I know it's going to be expensive but I want it. It has been an amazing time and I want it to be the symbol that reminds me of so many friends, classes, moments, etc. My name will stay there, engraved in the Senior walk at school; it will stay in the plaque that holds the names of the awardees for the Volunteer Spirit Award; and my name and life will hopefully stay in the hearts of many. But I want to take something with me, and that ring is perfect for that. Besides, I've been saving for it!
I have been given many blessings. I am thankful. I am aware.
This week I also was introduced to the song "Cuando pienses en volver" by Pedro Suarez-Vertiz. It makes me smile and it makes my heart go faster. I can relate. I almost feel like I feel when I see my painting "Patria Ajena" and "Libertad", and when I see Pau's picture of San Salvador. Look at the video for that song-- even if you don't understand Spanish, please look at it. Listen to the way they sing, look at their faces, feel the drums and the flutes and close your eyes... it's about hope. It's about hope.
Paulina posted this picture on Flickr. It made me think of my house over there, I used to go up to the terrace and look at the city from there. The volcano watched over it, as you can see in the photo. I used to love those afternoons. And those sunset. And the beautiful volcano. I miss that view so much. So much.
Dreams: my art show with brand, "Dreams and Nightmares" is going really well. We had the art show reception on Tuesday this week and it was just awesome! I didn't sell anything at the moment, which was really sad for me because I needed some help from there to pay tuition for this school year, but it was nice to see so many people there supporting me and complimenting my artwork. I got a lot of helpful feedback, and of course, some wacky interpretations too. I love that about art shows-- people start talking about your art and then even if it's totally off, it is true to them, and that's the beauty of it-- you get to see part of them through their opinions. I have posted some pictures from the reception in my photoblog. My mom got to go for a little while, she couldn't get the whole day off from work, but she made it to some part of the reception.
I was interviewed by envision Arkansas. It was nice. The thing actually aired today, it looked good... It would have been ten times better if they hadn't misspelled my name AND my last name.
Nightmares: that business class is OVER!!! I got a "B" on it. I only studied for the last exam because I knew I needed an A to get a decent grade in the class.
Now, let me enjoy the ONE week I have off. I'll be working, but that's because I need the money more than I need the sleep. It's a harsh reality.
I had invited my little cousins to sleep over tonight. I had planned a fun night-- movies, music, ice cream, chicken wings, pop corn... But they're not coming. They have to go to church or something like that. I was offended, in a way. And then I remember how we used to turn down trips with my dad because of church. How stupid we were. How incredibly stupid I was to miss out on spending time with my family, with my dad. Now I regret it, now when the brothers and sisters in Christ from church have put me to the side and probably don't even remember me... Now I regret it. Now that apologizing to my dad wouldn't make a difference because he's so far away and time was lost. TIME WAS LOST. Time with my dad was lost... It hurts. I see things so differently now, I am so different, now that different perspectives have been added. I just wish that I could do something now.
This has been such a long day. I didn't even get a chance to eat lunch because I had to translate and do so much at work. I still have to go home and study for my final exam tomorrow. I'm tired of this class. It's really lame.
This is my friend Gigi, we were roommates when we went to New Orleans for alternative spring break this year. It was hilarious!!! We would sing in the mornings and would usually get pretty loud. In this video, she didn't know I was recording; she thought I just wanted to take a picture.
I was sitting inside the cafe at barnes & noble and it was raining. It was hot outside. I was alone, waiting for Adam so we could play chess, so I was entertaining myself with the planner I had just bought inside. And that's when I saw it. A guy was sitting outside on the stairs that lead to the store next door to barnes & noble. He was wearing all black, he was on his cigarette break, alone. The whole scene looked just right. Like pulled out of a movie. Like it all had been previously written. The lighting, the rain, the smoke coming from his cigarette, the lighter on the floor right next to him. I think even I fitted in the whole thing, you know: a random stranger looking out the window, witnessing this magical moment.
I didn't have my camera, I had nothing but a pen and a receipt. I sketched it. I memorized it: