I've been in the fine arts library this afternoon, I came in right after finishing my project 1 for typography class. I've been studying and printing class materials and things like that. At 7 pm I took a break from studying and went to my APO meeting and when I was walking back form it I saw beauty all around me. I saw a glorious sunset and a rainbow. I'd never seen a rainbow so late into the eveninig, so I tried to take a picture of it, but it didn't come out too good. So I guess you'll just have to believe me it was there. I also took some pics of the student union, because it look gorgeous with the orange glow of the last few sun rays as a background. Sometimes it's all about looking.
Some people would call the studying, attending regular meetings, small talk, and the walks a routine. But I believe there's no such thing. There's no day like another day, not a moment is the same as one lived before. Adding the spice to life can be in little things like stopping for a colorful sunset, or taking the time to call a friend to say hello. It's about what you do with
your moments.
Just stopping by to see how you're doing...
Que estes bien : )
Un fuerte y caluroso abrazo.
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