Wednesday, November 09, 2011

A travelogue of sorts: California, Oct/Nov 2011

Taking back tia Cande to the Golden State. No voice. Just a week this time, but so ready. Lidi, Sandy, Pauli, China. Jennifer & Jacob came from Vegas to hang out. Tim Burton exhibit at the LACMA. Venice Beach. Lidia's pupusas and sunsets. Cold water. Meeting new family in Moreno Valley and L.A. Seeing tia Lipa after nearly 10 years. Tia Luz's 79th birthday. Drawing my primitas, teaching Kaylee to love film photography. Lots of laughter. Pumpkin carving, late night talks, querido diario. Stella Rosa and others. Too much. Calle Olvera, Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Koreatown, did I miss anything else? Urth Cafe and taco trucks. Tengo pegue. Beach hoppin', fruit stands and honey samples. Postcards for Mauri at every stop: thrift store painting at Ventura, pizza Hawaiiana at Carpinteria, sunset at Summerland and gelato at State Street, Santa Barbara. Pupusas, platanos, etc. Laughs. China, ya no me respetas? Pyramid lake, Lensbabies and Lomos. Lomography store. Meeting new friends, new projects, new passions: Las Fotos Project. I want to go to the LACMA, but myself. Cuando la noche me contesta. Lots of tweeting. Talked to Mauri. Talked to el Chinito. More family in L.A. Saw mis primitos (Chepitos). I don't want to go back. Stand on the chair, why not?

No digital photos, just film for me.

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