Today has been snowy. It's been on and off all day. I left a little before 8 this morning to go the journalism workshop and the sun was shining and the sky was very blue... well, half of it, at least. The other half was gray. I got on the interstate heading south and the gray cloud was right in front of me. I was about to take my exit when the sunrays became snowflakes. Pretty neat. That was not the last I saw of the sun today, though. Every time I looked out the doors of the building there was something different. Sunshine, a couple of snowflakes, a blizzard, someone wearing sandals.... you name it.
I was going to stay in the art department to do some studying but decided to come home and take pictures. When I got back the snow hit *for real* and then I took out my camera, just in case this is the only sign of winter we see this year. Everything around me went from brown to white in less than ten minutes, except for me.
I took a bunch of pics around the house and somehow (I still cannot explain why I do this) I ended up with... *suspense*... self portraits!!!! Some of them are hilarious...

And well, last night I went to an artist reception for some of the graduate candidates at the UA Art dept. It was nice and there were some really great works there. I'm a little sad that some of them are leaving... it seems to me that I never get enough time with friends. Either they leave, or I leave, or they die... guess that's life.
Happy note before a tear comes down: I stepped on a rusty nail today. The nail wasn't playing around, I wasn't either... it pierced through the sole of my shoe and then through the sole of my feet. It took me a minute to get it out. It was painful but I didn't scream or anything I would usually do... I kept my cool and got in the house (I had gone out to enjoy the freakin snow!) I went right to the bathroom and washed the blood away (it was bleeding... so it was time to freak out) I yelled my sister's name with out crying, I was still cool, but my tone was serious. When she asked me what the heck I wanted I said "Me meti un clavo oxidado en el pie. Podes venir?!" She came and said "I knew something happened to you cause you got in quietly." I had been messing with her since she came back from work. Then she pretended she knew what she was doing and told me to wash the area, dry it, and wrap it tight with a cloth. I said "that sounds like something Rambo would do" and we started laughing.
I didn't cry.
My inner child did, though.
I hope it doesn't get infected, I really do. It kinda hurts.
1 comment:
Get it checked!!
If you haven't gotten a TETANUS shot in the last five years, GET ONE IMMEDIATELY!!
Picture of you in the snow is nice ; )
Qué dices, que tienes hermanos que no conoces?!
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