Thursday, February 22, 2007

color outside the line

color outside the line, originally uploaded by aquarelita.

i've been studying so hard this week. it has been craaaaazy busy, but i had to blog this. in my commute to school this morning (i was early again, by the way, i'm doing good about waking up early, thank you- thank you... it's a wonderful thing).... what was i saying before the parenthesis?! oh yes, in my commute to school this morning i saw this (see picture above) going on in the sky and the first thing i thought was "God doesn't wanna color outside the lines today"

i took the picture after thinking about it for a moment. i was careful. i know i shouldn't take pictures while driving... but i will probably never see this again. ever. i have to get back to studying now. good night to you.

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