Fore·short·en ( P ) (fôr-shôrtn, fr-)
tr.v. fore·short·ened, fore·short·en·ing, fore·short·ens
1. To shorten the lines of (an object) in a drawing or other representation so as to produce an illusion of projection or extension in space.
2. To reduce the length of; curtail or abridge.
\Fore*short"en*ing\, n. (Fine Arts) Representation in a foreshortened mode or way.
Tonight, in my drawing class we worked on this technique. It was fun... but I didn't do it right.
You're suppossed to look at the model and draw whatever is closer to you larger than what is further away... this kinda makes sense to me, but you have to do a little exageration.
So anyway... I tried.
And I thought I was doing it right... but my drawing was looking funny so I asked someone in my class if the piece looked weird to her, and she said "well, I think the head and the upper body are a little big". No prob... I thought... I'll just keep trying.
But then... it really looked weird to me, so I said to my professor "Hey, I think this is way too funny, could you look at this for a sec?" and he said "Of course it looks weird... you made the feet so small and the leg!!! And look how huge the head is... YOU DID REVERSE FORESHORTENING!!!"
And then my classmate and I couldn't help but laugh!
Then my professor was picking on me... he said "you can make that you signature style! You can draw a bunch of women with huge heads and little legs and feet... you'll make millions!"
Well... there are some things that are just not meant for me.
I'll keep trying, though!!!
On another note... the sunset was amazing today!!! It looked a little like this:

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