Saturday, December 11, 2004


Hey, I'm going to buy some books I want to read. That'll be my Christmas present for me :)
One of these days I'll get "The Motorcycle Diaries" the one that Wafi (a fellow BookCrosser) sent me. I'm going to get one on Gandhi, maybe the authobiography. It's very refreshing to read books just for fun, because not all textbooks are fun. I was lucky, though... I discovered that my Media and Society textbook was really interensting... and of course, I love my Art History book :)
Well... I'll probably go to Barnes & Noble after I'm done with finals... or maybe I'll go somewhere else. There are not many good bookstores in this little place.
Finals? I only have one more to go.
On a different note: textmessaging comes in handy when you're in the library :)

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