Monday, December 20, 2004


So... here's a picture of me and my friend Ro-ro.

So... what's up? I'll tell you what's up. As I thought, I got two Bs and I don't like them. I thought I did so much better in my drawing class!!! I think I really improved on my freakin' figures. But I got a B!
Bs are not good enough.
The other class I got a B on... I know I could have done better but I didn't. Makes me mad.

Also... I've been working "full" time... And... one of my friends is coming back from Costa Rica this Sat. I miss her. I wish she'd bring me Costa Rican coffee. I'd be eternally grateful. And she sent an email that made me shade a tear (hey... that's kinda hard to do!)
Here's what she wrote:

"Sunday, we went to Playa Conchal...a beach that is FULL of concha shells instead of sand. AMAZING. God showed me a parallel. You have to walk around this one beach first to get to the beautiful one. The first is's a beach with blackish sand, nothing great, but if you want a beach, it's fine. Then you go over a hill and on the other side is this GORGEOUS beach with white concha shell sand, bluer water, more scenery, etc. It reminded me of this life. People sometimes get stuck on the first beach and never dare to look for what's on the other side. They decide that this is all there is and make the best of it, when in reality this is a gross, dirty beach compared to the extravagance that awaits if we dare to believe there is more and go the distance to get there. Or maybe people believe, but they get lazy (we had to walk a ways to get to the other side) and decide this is enough. But it's not, we should go the distance bc in the end it is beyond AMAZING! That's what He showed me...right in the middle of a beautiful day...and what a blessing for it to be my last weekend in Costa Rica!"

I hope you read that.

On a different note, I got the book Wafi sent!!!! I'm sooo excited!!!! I was soooooo happy when I saw the packet waiting for me on the kitchen table!!!! AWESOME!!!! Now I'll know what "The Motorcycle Diaries" is about when the movie comes out.

Well... that's all for now. I welcome any feedback.

1 comment:

Maria Sanchez said...

I love that "parallel" ... I completely agree. There is so much to strive for but it takes a lot of work, time and effort "ganas" to get there. Best, Maria