You learn something new everyday.
I get off work at noon on Fridays, and since I'm on winter break from school I got to run some errands today and do stuff like any other normal citizen in the town I live in. Of course, that includes risking my life for a jar of olives.
NO KIDDING! I thought the store would be a little busy, but I never imagined I would be risking my life. Thank goodness my little list only had a jar of olives and about three other things, because that way I got away with not needing a shopping cart, which is the only reason I survived the shopping. I was doing the last minutes detail shopping for the Christmas eve dinner with my family. My mom and I will do all the cooking (actually, more my mom than I), but there were so many people and in such horrible mood that for a moment I considered giving up on my mission and have a simpler-tasting chicken for that dinner. I mean, people were pushing me with their carts! It was ridiculous! I went to the big store because I was getting an oil change for Berthito (my '88 Taurus) and so I just went to the grocery section to (I thought) just get the stuff I needed quickly.
I really don't think people even care about what Christmas is all about... it really has become this big commercial season full of no meaning. Just a reason to consume like there's no tomorrow. It's just so horrible. I don't think kids even learn that the reason people give presents is to imitate the offerings that were brought to Jesus when he was born.
On my way back from the store I got to think how much better would be if we would just stop having this type of commercial celebration for just one year. It seems like it is all just a bunch of things that we have to do, cards we have to send, things to buy, decorations, singing... all so mechanical. It all seems to just not be meaningful anymore. If we, as society, could just have one year as a break from all this and go back to the simple celebration... to the opportunity to just reflect on things and share with the family some free time. Some real time together. It would be refreshing for us, it would heal our hearts and minds. Because as it is now, it's damaging the society that has to go through all this.
Because the holidays are not for gift giving, not for big parties, not for decorating... they're for us to appreciate time. They're for us to take time and have an afternoon with the family and do whatever with them. It is for us to look to the side and give a big hug to that person who makes your life complete. Family and friends are the reason we should just rest and be thankful for. We get off from work to have time with the loved one, NOT to go spend hours in a crowed store looking for things.
I look back to my Christmas times in El Salvador, and realize we didn't get anything, but we spent time with family and enjoyed... and if someone ever gave me something, I can hardly remember now. But I remember so clearly how my sister, my cousin, and my aunt Sandra (All) got those rollers on and tried them at my grandparents house. I don't remember whose the rollers were, but we had so much fun using them (just one pair of them) with others... and specially when Sandra fell and laughed so hard she wet her pants (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... don't tell her I told you!).
That's what's all about. Love.
I just want some healing of soul for all those, who like me, are longing for some spiritual peace for this holidays. Bless you and your loved ones. And enjoy this Navidad.