Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I was up until late painting. That's why when my alarm went off this morning I had a very hard time getting up and walking to the bathroom for my daily shower. I really wanted to stay in bed for a couple of hours more. I even thought about not going to class. It was very difficult to win over that temptation... I got myself together and went to school. I was a little late, about ten minutes late, but at least I was there.

While walking on that lonely summer hallway I was thinking that I should have just stayed in bed. I knew we wouldn't have a quiz because we had our first exam yesterday, and I knew that I could easily catch up on any info missed. But still I was walking to the classroom.

SO... Imagine what went through my head when I got to the classroom and found that it was EMPTY!!! Not a soul was there!!! Not even the professor!!! I was confused, I was late remember, and that added up to me thinking I had missed something-- I checked the syllabus to see if it was an off day or something, but it wasn't. So I just walked back to my car. On my way there I stopped by the professor's office and it was dark.

I don't know what happened. I guess I'll find out tomorrow at 7:30 am. I'll be on time tomorrow.

1 comment:

Bellota said...
