The LEAD Retreat was awesome. The Lasana's workshops were great and very very helpful. The retreat was in Mt. Sequoya and that brought back memories of the Multicultural Retreat in Spring 2004, the start of Diversity Alliance, and April Love. I stood in front of the cabin were we all stayed two years ago and it came to mind the things we talked about... growing together in friendship and hope for a better life.
Yesterday I went to see the sunset from the spot were the cross is in Mt. Sequoya. It was beautiful and, as always, it was too short for me. I took some photos and came to the conclusion that no image will ever give me the exact colors and the feeling of just standing alone watching the day die.

After that we met in small groups and talked. The discussions were great and I think they helped every one of us in the group. Then we saw the movie Crash (watch it if you haven't yet). But before that I saw the piano in the living room of the building we stayed in and I decided to sit and give the white keys a try. It was nice. I couldn't get everything Derrick taught me last time, but I did ok considering it's been over 3 weeks. Tejal took a picture of me in the intent.
Everyone was great. I got some nice shots... April should have been there, she should be here.
I had a good time. I'm hoping (and will work on) the Diversity Alliance increase of membership. All the founders are greaduating in 2007, and we cannot let the DA disolve once we're gone. It has to grow strong... it's our legacy.

pictures of the sunset will come on the photoblog.
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