I got back from my trip to College Station, TX last night. I went there for the NASPA Summer Leadership Institute. I almost didn't want to go, and I almost didn't take my camera (that's how enthusiastic I was). But I got there and it turned out I had an amazing time. I got to meet great people from all over and I learned a lot from most of them. I also said some deep things that got people thinking -- he he, you know!
Texas A&M was the host for the institute and they did an AMAZING job! Everyone was very kind and, you know, just good people. They fed us every 5 seconds. Really. I think that I was only hungry once while I was in Texas. My fave were the rolls... oh yeah, those Aggie Rolls!!!
The Aggies have so many traditions and so much school spirit. It came close to driving me nuts-- But I balanced it out by Calling the Hogs (Wooo Pig Sooie!) I even got my new friend Alondra saying Pig Sooie a lot! She was so much fun!
I got to meet great student affair professionals. I still am trying to figure out what I want to do. I have no plan. I just know I have to graduate in May 07. I cannot postpone my grad date, because I really can't afford this education any longer. It's been hard but it's worked out ok. I learned a lot about grad schools and I got to take a look at some career paths I might like. There were some great presentations during the institute; actually, the whole curriculum was great. I got to work in a case study with my group and we did fantastic. The case study was about the use of online communities-- the case was on myspace.
I also got to see my friend Shailen while I was over there. We watched the world cup final with him-- ooooooooooooooh so good! It was so much fun, specially after Zidane's little show. We talked a lot too! It was so nice to see him again. Time goes by fast, he left AR to go to Aggieland at the end of Fall 2004. That seems like a long time to me, but then again, time has gone by flying! He asked for Ro and then we remembered how we used to see each other at RZ's all the time in the mornings when Ro and I would be studying and he would come for his morning caffeine dose. Oh, friends. I'm blessed.
And well, my trip lasted a little longer than planned. My flight on Sunday was cancelled because "the plane was broke." I don't know what happened, but I couldn't get another flight until Monday at 4:50 pm. I was the last one to leave College Station. I wasn't mad, though. I got to stay at the Hampton Inn, do a little bargain shopping, eat some more delicious Texas food, AND I got to sleep in the next day in a very nice bed. I lived it UP! Maybe it was better that way, maybe I needed that, and maybe someone up there made it happen for me. I got a great lunch on Monday with Lesley-Ann, we went to Jason's Deli and my Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich was yummy!
When I left, I was ready. I don't think I could have handle that weather for much longer. It was HOT and SO HUMID! My hair was all over the place, except for the last day when I had the time to blow dry it like it needed it. On the bright side, I think that weather did good to my skin. I looked really good when I got home last night, and I truly think it had to do with the weather.
And well, I made it back to Arkansas just fine. I bought some postcards at the Dallas airport and read a lot. I'm blessed that I've had the chance to travel so much so far this year. I don't know when's the next time I'll get on a plane, but I hope is not far in the future.
Much love... and Gig 'em! (oh yeah, A&M got to me)