Well, this is her most recent journal entry. I'll answer her questions... after I finish putting together my room. That'll be before 2005 is over. So I better get to it. Here's Alanis' entry:

December 23rd, 2005
Hi each,
Just checking in as we approach official holiday time...
And wishing you each the greatest of times with your family, friends or selves throughout this season.
Been thinking about you a lot lately..
And how I can serve you best..what form that will take in the new year..
I’ll be diving in, in the new year, to write a new record
And later in the year start on my first book...
A great gift to express in this way, and I offer whatever I create to you in the hopes that it will continue to support you in your journeys
A few questions for you, about 2005...
--what were your favorite moments (they can ‘big’ or sweetly mundane) of 2005?
--favorite books, movies, articles, tv shows, live performances?
--what are you the most proud of in this last year?
--what do you forgive yourself for?
--what are you deeply grateful for?
--what are the biggest differences for you between last December to this one? (example: are you in a different place geographically, spiritually,
emotionally, physically, do you feel better, worse, do you feel more experienced at something?)
--did you have enough fun this year?
--did you say no often enough?
--did you say yes often enough?
I offer these questions to you and any that you come up with yourself as a way to find as much clarity as you can as you reflect on this last
year... I find clarity leads to a great sense of peace and empowerment for me. And when I just take a few minutes to reflect and throw some personal goals out about the future, I get very inspired...
A few questions about 2006...
--what excites you the most about this coming year?
--what new thing will you try (big or small) that you’ve never tried before?
--what new commitments can you make to yourself?
--what would this year have to include for it to end, in December 2006, on a fulfilled, happy note?
--what do you see yourself benefiting from doing more of... less of?
--any visions for this coming year for your expression or evolution?
--anything that scares you that you know you’re going to do?
--any new thing you can put into place that will support you better? New resources, friends, support system?
--anything you’d like to do less of, or stop doing altogether (that you won’t beat yourself up for it you don’t)?
I support any ritual or informal moment that can mark the end of this phase and honor and pave a new one as we transition into a new chapter.
May you be surrounded by support (even internally, if you’re on your own), be filled with gentleness, and have some juicy time to yourself to reflect on how great (or wild) it is to be alive.
Yay for us!!!
Love you,
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