I was talking on the phone with three friends of mine last night. At the same time... we managed to have 2 conference calls going on at the same time because my phone wouldn't let me add a third call to the conference. So El Chino ended up calling Gaby, and connecting her to my call, which I had already connected Aaron to -Great explanation, I know!-. Anywayos, we're all in different States, we're all with different cell phone companies, we're all in different time zones, but we share some good memories together and so everything else didn't matter.
We went to high school together in San Salvador. Oh yeah,"el colegio"... Liceo Getsemani. We've changed SO much, and well, that's good... I'd be worried if we hadn't. Anyhow, my point was that it was very nice talking to them. El Chino -whose name is David, but we never call him that except for when he's in trouble- is crazy, always teasing me with the Figure Drawing class I took about a year ago. I don't know why I told him! Now every time we talk on the phone he asks me if I've been drawing nudes lately. El Chino is definitely one of a kind, thank goodness! Aaron with his clear memory, reminding us of stuff that made us laugh really hard... and other stuff we would rather leave behind. Aaron just came from El Salvador about two weeks ago, he came to visit his dad. He gave us the update on everyone's life. And Gabriela -Gaby- supper sweet and nice, as always. She's so cool. She missed our last year of high school, because that's when she moved to the States, right after the earthquake that shook our lives apart.
We talked about getting together sometime soon, but we decided that we'll think about it -and do some research on plane tickets or driving time-. It's crazy: Gaby in California, El Chino in New Jersey, Aaron in Maryland, and me... in Arkansas. They said something about meeting "somewhere in the middle." It just happens that I'm the most "in the middle" that we have right now, but I don't know that they want to come here, I'd rather go somewhere else :)
And well, that was it. It's nice to know that despite distance, time and all other things that we've gone through -that usually mess up friendships- we're still friends. I have to say, those three years I spent at El Colegio are unforgettable. We did some very stupid things, and we went through some tough experiences. But, oh, how much fun we had and how many true friends we found. We were so locos :)

Here we're going to our Salida Evangelistica. It was in 2001. Wow~ time flyes. We walked for about 30 minutes from where the bus left us to the little school where we took the piñatas and the cool skits we performed ;)

Yes... I was a clown. This was in 2000 for another Salida Evangelistica.

Here we're coming back from the Salida Evangelistica in 2000. El Chele was sick and nobody knew... he's in the lower right corner. The one with the eyes closed. We were all like "Chele! What the heck? Why didn't you say anything?!" and he said "I didn't want to ruin our day." Awww... Chele loco.
I want to see these people again. So badly. One day, one day when I make a lot of money I'll be able to go back to my Patria and visit all my good friends. I'll also go drink some coco helado and piña coladas at Rene's house :)
Friends are better than ice cream --> MUST SEE
Ha ha ha! I am so in love with that link! Too funny and cute.
Have faith that you will get to see your friends again. Sometimes life works in weirder ways than you think it will, and they show up unexpectly, in strange times and places...
To friends...cheers!
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